Let’s talk about church greeters. You know: the person at church who holds the door open, shakes your hand, and hands you a bulletin (if there is one). This person is usually extroverted and friendly. They love people and have a way of making everyone feel welcome.

What if I told you that everyone should be a church greeter?

No, I’m not suggesting you take turns filling the specific role of greeting people at the door. While those people are vital, I’m suggesting something else.

In his book 52 Churches, Roger DeHaan visited a new church every week for a year. During that time, the churches filled with people willing to talk to and welcome new people were the ones he was most interested in visiting again.

It’s important for the church to build a culture of hospitality to prevent new people from falling through the cracks. It is every church member’s job to make sure new people feel welcomed and embraced. Taking the time to greet them is not just one person’s role, but the responsibility of every person in the church.

The following are three reasons why everyone should go out of their way to greet new people at church.

1. It makes it harder for people to fall through the cracks.

An official greeter at the door often does a good job at making sure everyone has some contact when they enter your church, sometimes people fall through the cracks. Maybe the greeter stepped away to help someone with something or got distracted by a conversation with someone else.

When everyone is working together to make sure new people feel welcomed, new people are less likely to fall through the cracks.

2. It creates an opportunity for deeper connections.

While the warmth and friendliness of the official greeter are assets to the church, their conversations are more limited. Since they need to talk to so many people, they’re not as likely to have deep conversations with people.

If everyone is making an effort to get to know new people, there is more opportunity for real connection. Instead of short conversations and welcoming comments, there’s the potential to really learn about the people who come through the doors.

3. Different personalities “click” with different people.

While a guest at your church might love the super outgoing church greeter, they might connect better with the quiet person who offers them one-on-one conversation.

As much as we don’t like to admit it, we don’t necessarily like everyone we meet (even at church). When more people work to make a new person feel at home, that person is more likely to find at least one person they get along with.


We don’t go to church just to take it in and leave. Sure, church is often a time to be refueled for the week ahead and inspired to live lives marked by holiness. There’s no question that it’s also a wonderful time to fellowship with good friends.

But we’re also called to welcome new people into our fellowship. Participating in the Kingdom of God means doing your part to make sure your local body of believers is making new people feel seen, accepted, and loved.

This Sunday, I challenge you to look around at church. Is there someone new? Greet them! Is there someone you’ve seen before, but whose name you don’t know? Learn their name and start a conversation.

Go and be a church greeter!